t u l s

t u l s

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

daylight/daytime saving no more!

as of semalam.. malaysia and UK is back to 7 hours difference instead of 8 hours and now malam malam pun around 7pm masih amat brights! dah la barujer start spring tak habis satu minggu! i wonder how bad summer is?.... 10pm still ada matahari? lollllll...


having said that... means that spring is finally here and the flowers really bloom lor kat atas lantai rumput semua kecik kecik warna yellow sudah bloomz keluar secara berlebihans...

and then siao one!

the temperature at night can be as cold as 2 degrees but noon it could be as high as 20.. i think i will die in summer...

so the pandai me today... i went to Argos aka Giant Malaysia(lebih kureng) and beli a fan! hahahahaha...

im sweating like today, siao one... summer will be worst so i beli while its still murah(not that murah pun...)...

anyway.. i got a test coming up wednesday.. all the best to me k! muacks!! :)


  1. fast fast go rolling at the grass with the flowers berlebihans n take picture la.. young, cute n fresh gitew ;p
    cant wait to see a HOT tuls in summer... lol ;p
    all the best on the test :)

    1. lol.......i will de la but see la when! hehe... thanks thanks... and my email you dapat or not? lol

  2. Replies
    1. muacks! you too! boomz!! see you this weekend! :)

  3. so very the small the fan? beli the big, besi one lah...baru ada power!!!

  4. do u want me to fan u , wearing nothing ?

  5. btw , i dah curang with u ...so bye

  6. What brand, the fan ? Mistral ? Cornell ? KDK ?

  7. yes during summer 10pm also still bright. best of luck for the exam
