t u l s

t u l s

Sunday, March 18, 2012


i had this dream last night, it was so teruk and i felt like i had it before and yes.. after that dream i remembered the dream that i had a few nights back...

it was the same location but different events..

the purple area was a compound surrounded by fences from the dinosaurs to our right and lions to our left... and the middle part of the compound are just solid wall...

the dream few days ago was the dinosaur too hungry and trying crashing thru the fence to get us but tak jadi...

todays dream was the lion jumped into our compound... he chased and jump against me, my brother ran behind me away from me...

i was holding a hammer but i try to swing at it but tak jadi.. it jumped over me and chased my brother instead...

my brother had no where to run but suddenly the fence werent there anymore.. my brother jumped into the lion's compound and ran for his life.. he was carrying a school bag i think..

while i took the hammer and ran towards him i saw the lion caught up on him but it was quite far...

i saw the bag flew up in the air and i ran as quick as i could towards him, i was struggling... and then i woke up...

i had 9 hours of sleep but i woke up feeling like i did not sleep at all.. my eyes were so heavy..

i dont know the ending..

i hate this dream..

no more next time!!!


  1. watching Jurassic Park b4 sleep? ;p
    gd story.. but need fitter actor...lol ;p

    1. babi la kau... damn sien now feel tired :( hm... its my second related dream.. not a very nice dream.. fuck la... i dont believe in interpretations of dream btw.. lol... hahaha...

  2. hahaha..bad dream...u dont watch ur feet before sleep ka??hehe =P

    1. i showered before sleep de... hm... whatever la...

  3. Ish.. I hear-by using my young and cute power to bless you with the wettest dream you will have. =PP

    1. LOL!! thanks! hahahahahaha... i want coles ccc!

  4. I think the dream translate to you deprive of sex.


    1. wtf... hahahaha.. siao la... too tired ba... hm.. stress kot....

    2. hahaha, where's the like button, I wanna "like" CX's comment

    3. benci la malimo ni... you nak tolong melegakan tekananku ini? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

    4. aiyo tuls, I'm sex deprived as well :P

  5. too much stress la dear... hugs
