t u l s

t u l s

Thursday, January 26, 2012

what kinda stupid service is this?

ok, the thing in UK is that if youre a student, all medical expenses will be covered by the government kinda thing, those like you go like to the normal clinics and all, the meds and stuffs are all free..

but right, to fucking see a doctor you have to fucking make appointment...

so my poor friend went and fucking make appointment and the fucking nurse/receptionist said that he will only get to meet the doctor next monday and i was like: wtf!!!!!!!!!!

this is just too terrible, by the time my kawan made it to the appointment the eye either sudah recover or the eye sudah blind i tell you...

its seriously that bodoh.....

if you want fast there are always private clinics but hehe... not cheap i tell you..

now to think of it thats why sometimes patients rather treat themselves at home rather than going to the doctors..

its just too ridiculous...


whatever la..

hopefully my kawan the mata should be alright la..

anyway i found this picture somewhere online and i would like to dedicate it to my friend, NINJA! :) hihi...

the teacher is also quite boomz one to think of it!! sporting sial!!



  1. think that's normal anywhere especially if it's a uni/govt clinic..one week is considered quite fast ard >_<

  2. last time when i had the severe rashes and bumps, I had to wait for 1week, couldn't sleep because i was in intense itch, couldn't concentrate too. So no choice, self-diagnose and self-medicate. By the time I saw the GP, my symptoms were resolved by 50% =.=
    Same goes for my friend who had really bad toothache and he had no more pain until the day of his appointment...Zzzz... stupid right?
    Another alternative, go to A&E (make yourself looked serious) but I doubt it is a good way LOL! (shouldnt promote the abusing of A&E LOL!)

    awwww is that for me? SWEET! LOL!
    that reminds me of my A-level physics teacher, who draws stuff and steals his daughter's stickers and stick on our test paper XD...
    If I can't answer some stupid questions, he would write there "Hahahaha NINJA can't answer this!!"

    1. yes baby , that was for u , after discussing it , we decided to give u that post ....now dun disturb us ok , we gonna make love

    2. Ops... I never meant to disturb. LOL.. continue pls XD

    3. wtf.. ooi2009 go away la!! im flirting with ninja cant you see??!?! shoooosh!!

  3. Replies
    1. benci betul!!

      wow, so honoured to have you commenting again!! :) hihi...

  4. congrats on your 100th follower :D

    really hoping your mata punya kawan, eh terbalik, your kawan punya mata will be better.

    1. yalor.. hmm...

      thanks thanks... im so happy meself too!! :)

  5. Yeah go to the A&E or just go to one of those walk- in GP.

    1. A%E is kinda like emergency nia kan? walk in GP macam tarak jer kat sini... memang bodoh.. benci.. i will self medicate in future too... gosh..

    2. Yeah like ninja said, gotta act la if wanna go to A&E. Is this in your city? Molineux Street NHS Centre

  6. alah, even if you make appointment, the doc won't be punctual one lah... last time i see a doc in brisbane, i had to wait for another 1.5 hours after the designated appointment time...but no complaints lah..at least i get to skip class :p

    1. wtffffffffffff! hahahahahaha.. idiot!! hahahaha

  7. suami tetek , why dont u dedicate post to me ?

    1. i dedicate post to you before leh... dont take a meter if i give you a feet k!!

  8. in that video clip above u ask to shake boobies , are u referring to mine or yours ?

    and today i ate mamak mee , with ayam goreng , the price was 8 ringgit , i was like , why la so expensive ...
    yesterday i ate mamak mee and kfc pulak , 2 hari berturut turut makan mee.

    i want to be a teacher , but the gov course still tak buka application lagi , i am so frustrated la , a few months time i habis master than nak jadi lecturer pulak , bye bitch
