- I will never go up to Cameron Highlands anymore... no matter how you wanna convince me i also wont go...
- I worked in a law firm once and it was the stresses moment in my entire life!! and i still can bertahan for four months... power la me now i think also i siao... those who is/are working there .. respecto patronum...
- I always get free concert tix one mentah mentah cos got orang dalaman help me..
- Mamak i will always order either Horlicks Ais or Sirap Bandung! wohooooooo.. syok!!
- Wilko's and Cole's chocolate chip cookies are awesome!! :)
- Horny all the time..
- I love vampire diaries..
- I love milkshakes!
- I will turn and look at myself with every single passing mirror anywhere at all! :)
- I dont pee at urinals cos it will usually splash so hard that it will deflect and my pants will be wet in return..
- I drink 4 pints(2.2L) of milk within 3 days.. no that doesnt make me this tall, its in the genes ok.. if youre short then just stay that way.. no point drinking milk now tambah your height ok... lol
- How i eat my cereal? I pour a bowl of cold milk, then grab a handful of honey stars and throw it in and quickly eat it before i softens.. then repeat that.. hehe...
- It irks me so bad when my shit lacerate my hole... cos means i wont enjoy the next sex session...lol
- I dont care about pantangs, chinese we have got like tons of pantangs but i will only avoid it just the sake of pleasure but somethings are really unavoidable.. haha.. like me sleeping under the beam.. hahaa.. as long as it doesnt turn me into a vampire then whatever la... lol
- Have a great friend support system.. haha.. muacks!!
- Was in 2 real relationships before and thats it.. well although its short lived but it was the happiest moment of my life la.. haha.. oh well..
- Im a potato king, i love all kinds of potato, like cooked in every style pun i suka so my rumah now always have got endless supply of them cos its cheaper than rice! haha... easiest one to make is the cheese baked jacket potato :)
- People always think i banana but i will never be one! although i know my pronunciation in both Chinese and BM abit pelik but its just me ok! i have to blame the ang mo blood in me.. joking joking...lol
- I use the word SLUT in every context, out of anger; SLUT!, out of frustration; SUCH A SLUT LA. etc... lol
- Most of the time when i listen to song i would ignore the meaning of the song but just enjoy the melody so usually even if its inappropriate for certain occasions i dont really care but still continue listening! :)
- I have got nicer handwritings than most of the guys and some people even envy my handwriting so im really quite proud of my own handwritting lol but it can be illegible at times lolllll... thats when im half asleep during lectures then the notes will be ggfied! lol
- I hate people who smokes, if i see a friend who smokes at that period of time he/she smokes i will either walk away or just keep quiet.. i just cant tahan.. if its a family member, he/she would be told off by me..
- I love to go stalls where they have lots of variety of "dishes" to choose from and i can just pick whatever that i like to eat.. no need to headache so economy rice is the bomb!!! lol... as long got rice to go with i will be satisfied!
- Im still using my first ever phone that i got till now which was a present from mum July 2006..
- I cant induce my berak so if i dont berak that day, i wont have the urge to have sex so yea..
- I dont blow strangers/flings etc..
- I dont like to give blow jobs.. cos i will choke and my eyes will be watery and i feel like vomiting and... loll.. excuses..
- Im turned on by my own pits smell.. lolllllll
- I like smells of old cars...
- I sometimes wished that i could be someone's toyboy but like i feel like i just cant do it lollllllll... its just so not my thing... haha..
- I love hugs.. like seriously love it to the max.. so far the nicest hug i got is from a Nepalese friend and also from Ev. C :)
- Bailey tastes like milo + alcohol.. so nice...
- I hate ciders..
- I never got drunk before..
- I dont like polysterene boxes rubbing against each other..
- I dont mind losing a friend cos i know that i will get another one somehow.. sometimes you just cant keep in touch with everyone...
- If i finished my work or assignment i will act like i havent done them so that no one will pinjam my stuffs from me..
- Stains on t shirts wont ruin my day.. I dont know why also...
- Im always sleep deprived and i will always always blame the lack of sleep if i dont appear nice in photos.. lol
- I dont like the sun...
- I am a cam whore..
- A perfect moment after a long day of work or whatever is to just lie down on the other person's leg, lookin up to him while he brushes my hair... thats heaven... to me la..
- I love to avoid problems.. so usually i will give in at times when no one will..
- The best present someone could give me is perfume.. it wont go wrong if its sweet like DKNY the green one or like CKin2U.. lol..
- Uncut..
- Love yellow..
- I like buttoned jeans..
- I like hoodies with zips..
- I dont like jumpers..
- I need to have a hair dryer after shower and to fix it i only need hair spray and nothing else..
- My room is generally not tidy..
- I was slapped by my uncle when i was seven and i still remember until now.. i hate him still but cos he took care of my brother since like forever so i dont really bother la.. i think that time i was quarreling with my brother and he terslapped me but like.. i still hate it la.. lol...
- I used to have ingrown toe nail but i self treated it and its good now..
- Even if i blush, no one can see cos im too tan to notice..
- When im nervous, i will have dry mouth..
- I feel like dying if that person giving the speech doesnt have good command of that language..
- I dont like hearing public speeches..
- I dont like public speeches..
- I got stage fright..
- I like giving advice if i pernah go through similar experiences and its feels nice to get good feedbacks but sometimes when the advice could be use on me, i wont take it.. its a very normal thing i guess.. lol
- I dont usually celebrate birthdays when i was younger so sometimes i dont really care about other people birthday too.. haha.. brought up differently i guess.. birthdays arent quite a thing for me.. oh well..
- My hair is dark brown, my dad's light brown, my grandma's is golden instead of white so i damn bangga that my hair will turn awesome when im older...
- Im allergic to almond body wash..
- I cant use body butter..
- I love to sing but im not a very good one but i have days i can sing damn power but i know im using the wrong technique but i will still be damn perasan that i sing good but actually im not.. lolll
- I have short term memory lost... its on purpose.. i dont keep things that are insignificant.. i try not to.. but its just a natural mechanism to relieve stress i guess..
- If i say stop means stop, if you continue doing it after i say stop i will hate you, and once i hate that someone its gonna be damn difficult to unhate that person.. yes after awhile i will forget cos i dont really keep anything inside but i will be fake around you still.. so yea..
- If i kutuk you in front of you, means i care about you, if you see me treating you extremely nice then please, youre in danger...
- I usually emo like maximum 5 secs, once i emo, i blog it out then im ok liao de.. haha.. if you see me emo longer than that means its not normal.. lol
- I hate peeling potato cos got once i accidentally peel my own skin off and it sucks super badly! benci... urgh..
- I tip toe up the stairs.. and i love to stomp down the stairs.. lol.. mentah mentah ku heavy so bom bom bom...
- I usually bring a bottle of water wherever i go..
- City boy - if you drag me out to the woods for some excursion or some getaway ok la but if more than a week i will die!! i need the buzzling sound and the smell of human to survive lol
- Love surprises!! and i give surprises as well! :)
- shirt size vary.. Malaysia pakai M, UK now here i sometimes wear M, sometimes wear S, sometimes XS, lol.. so bodoh.. why no unit SI one?!!!
- jeans size 32
- Adidas shoes size 9.5
- My nipples are quite worn out so have to be sensitized by a lil biting!! :)
- Kena dengue 3 times in my life.. Admitted the first time.. blood too sweet attract all the bloody vampire..
- Only fruits i eat are Apple, Banana and Orange, now learn liao Grapes and Pineapple, the rest...im allergic so cannot eat..
- Vegetable over fruits
- A sauce person.. i love steamboat, the sauce section omgosh orgasmic!!!
- Dont eat sweets(in wrappers) and snacks(in wrappers)
- Rice over noodles
- Vanilla over chocolate for ice cream
- White chocolate
- Cookies and cream ice cream
- Japanese cuisine like omgosh gimme!!! so hungry now..
- Loves seafood
- Dont like to cook, preferably eat out.. i cook to survive in UK btw.. lol...
- Love to kepo..
- Very perasan
- My neck is super sensitive, like the ideal stimulation is to like kiss from the shoulder all the way up to the neck then once reach the ear my leg will kick and jerk cos too high but doesnt apply if that person's kissing technique sucks.. either lips problems or got rough beard poking thingy..
- Dont like to PDA.. but will improve in that cos no point of me not PDA-ing and cause the downfall of my relationship while everyone else is so PDA-ing in fronna me..
- Loves to kiss, like a lot..
- Snores when too tired
- Have super short nails cos i itch easily, will self inflict harm while sleeping
- Sing alot, everywhere, anywhere..
- Vain
- Dont worry i never got complain of busuk cos i damn vain I deodaranize myself slalu
- Sweat like a cow with just the slightest stimuli of heat or spicyness
- Prefer cold than hot
- Curse alot
- Loves to be childish whenever possible
- Simple and plain
- Dont wear accessories
- No piercings
- No tattoo
- Doesnt smoke
- Multiple eyelids
- Short hair
- Not slim
- Tan
- Tall
t u l s

facts about tuls
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