t u l s

t u l s

Sunday, August 7, 2011


so i went for duck rice with my bff that came down from Aussie and we were ordering the drinks.. note that the order is done at the table instead of waiting by the stall side... so..

adik mau minum apa?

ada liong sui tak?


ok bagi 2 liong sui ice...

and kak.. boleh kamu panggil itu...

panggil itik?

OI ITIK!!!!!!!!!!

bwahahahahahahaha.. both of us laugh like cibai like that cos the way she calls it like calling gigolo like that!! hahahaha...

its good to meet him again... the relationship of 6 years is proven to be still going strong.. although we have our ups and downs.. we are still best of friends..

1 comment:

  1. tuls... how u know that the way to call for gigolo???
    tried before???
