thanks everyone who supported the movement!!
thanks for those who voted! :)
even though you did not vote, as long as you feel young and cute, then at least you supported thru that la! :)
upcoming months will be quite hectic with all the due dates and placements all cramped into the month of march.. sien..
but dont worry cos young and cute people will sail thru easily! :)lol...
young and cute month has been an emotional and energy draining month for me..
lots happened along the way..
some nice ones.. some not so fancy ones...
overall i did learn alot thru this whole mess i made...
once again..
you boomz if youre feeling young and cute now..
forever young and cute,
t u l s

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
boyfriend criteria is super duper important...!!
when we are vulnerable...
when im vulnerable...
vulnerable in the sense when we broke up, there is a hole, a void there that needs to be filled...
you will try everything and anything to fill that emptiness..
sometimes to the extent of not thinking about the consequences..
and thats what happen to me...
i should really see it thoroughly before making a decision..
but sometimes we dont really think..
sometimes we just go with the feel, the in the moment feel... and assume that its the best thing to do at the moment..
well, im wrong.. i mean, i WAS wrong...
i thought that criteria is not important..
knowing that no one is perfect...
but to think of it..
after analyzing thru what just happened in my life so far...
they say love is blind, maybe you can disregard your criteria list kinda thing for the time being but not for long la...
lets say when we grow older.. and if we(the couple) fought or get into argument or anything... or maybe when the sex died or some shit...
and we needed some time off...
we will tend to think about the other person...
you will be like: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH HIM?!?!?!
but ..
if lets say he fits the criteria then at least: HM.... I THINK WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.. AND MAYBE MAKE HIM FALL ALL OVER FOR ME AGAIN OR VICE VERSA...
... at least the criteria is there already...
what i learn from this lesson is:
Before getting into a relationship, always ask yourself this, is he what you are looking for? why do you wanna get into the relationship? are you like rushing? is he gonna be your ex's replacement? DOES HE MEET YOUR CRITERIA?????????????????????!!!!!!!!
anyway... not everyone has got a list and im not saying that you need one but its quite handy actually! lolllll
oh yea...
about that rebound guy....
we are ok already...
he accepted the fact that we cant be together anymore..
we remain as friends lor...
the funniest thing that happened today was like he said this to me:
WHO ASK YOU TO CUT YOUR HAIR LA!!!! make yourself so hot, i havent even finish enjoying it yet... LOLLLLLLLL!!
seriously make me laugh my ass off! lollll...
ps. i missed out the main-est criteria, not bottom in bed... :) luckily leo-nut reminded me, how could i forget leh?!?!!
when im vulnerable...
vulnerable in the sense when we broke up, there is a hole, a void there that needs to be filled...
you will try everything and anything to fill that emptiness..
sometimes to the extent of not thinking about the consequences..
and thats what happen to me...
i rush into things too fast...
i should really see it thoroughly before making a decision..
but sometimes we dont really think..
sometimes we just go with the feel, the in the moment feel... and assume that its the best thing to do at the moment..
well, im wrong.. i mean, i WAS wrong...
i thought that criteria is not important..
knowing that no one is perfect...
but to think of it..
why the hell did i come up with a list of criterias anyway...???
after analyzing thru what just happened in my life so far...
they say love is blind, maybe you can disregard your criteria list kinda thing for the time being but not for long la...
lets say when we grow older.. and if we(the couple) fought or get into argument or anything... or maybe when the sex died or some shit...
and we needed some time off...
we will tend to think about the other person...
for example if he doesnt meet your list of criteria...
you will be like: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH HIM?!?!?!
but ..
if lets say he fits the criteria then at least: HM.... I THINK WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.. AND MAYBE MAKE HIM FALL ALL OVER FOR ME AGAIN OR VICE VERSA...
... at least the criteria is there already...
what i learn from this lesson is:
Before getting into a relationship, always ask yourself this, is he what you are looking for? why do you wanna get into the relationship? are you like rushing? is he gonna be your ex's replacement? DOES HE MEET YOUR CRITERIA?????????????????????!!!!!!!!
anyway... not everyone has got a list and im not saying that you need one but its quite handy actually! lolllll
oh yea...
about that rebound guy....
we are ok already...
he accepted the fact that we cant be together anymore..
we remain as friends lor...
the funniest thing that happened today was like he said this to me:
WHO ASK YOU TO CUT YOUR HAIR LA!!!! make yourself so hot, i havent even finish enjoying it yet... LOLLLLLLLL!!
seriously make me laugh my ass off! lollll...
forever young and cute,
tuls ps. i missed out the main-est criteria, not bottom in bed... :) luckily leo-nut reminded me, how could i forget leh?!?!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Young and Cute : Fashion
1. Colour
you dont need to follow seasons/trends/magazine fancy clothings... just because its winter you need to wear something dark and dead or fancy ? please... primary colour up!! young and cute dont succumb to season changes! seasons will succumb to his colour instead.. lol...
you dont really have to buy branded tees or shirts.. any brand would do but the colour is important.. the above are just examples of colours, i would totally go for yellow and red.. purple is awesome too but i cant do GREEN! green totally doesnt suit my skin :)
2. Know your colour!!
some people dont really know what colour suits them best, the next time you wear something ask opinions! :) i know most of you have that attitude like: i wear what i like la, i know i look nice then can la...
but its not always the case, sometimes you think it suits you but it really doesnt..
the first pic is 10 times nicer than the second one...
beige is totally NOT NICE at all! AVOIDDDDDDDDDDDD BEIGE!!!!!!!!!!
3. French Blue
the first one on the left, thats the kinda colour that wouldnt go outdated and wouldnt go wrong even if its to work! :)
4. Small eyes go for solids not checkered..
look so kampung right? my seulong is such a darling but seriously small eyes should avoid checkered..
if your eyes a bit bigger like shi won then can la.. :) hehe... but dont worry la... if youre really small eyed then wear something solid! :)
small eyes will never go wrong with solid colours! :)
5. Matching
you dowana be colourful your whole body!!!
like the pic above, skip a body part! you can wear the top and your shoes with the same sorta shade of a colour and your pants any colour at all! jeans will never go wrong!! :) or you can wear a bracelet or watch that has a strap thats same as your pants? just skip a body part and make the other two similar can liao.. :)
6. Accessories to the minimum
a watch would be enough, bracelet if you dont have watch..
but i rather not wear anything.. haha.. plain and simply is the way to go!
7. Confidence
so what if youre 60? you can really still dress up young! you just need to pick out the right clothes!! as long as you fix your hair, clean shaved, pick out something simple, maybe a polo t, a grey trousers/pants(no skinny jeans haha..) and a pair of clean shoes, you wont be left behind! dont go watch all those tv series where the uncle in their oversize t unbuttoned loose pants and dirty shoes and think that that should be the way to dress.. lol... hahahaah...
you have to know what looks good on you and not what looks good in general! :)
you dont need to follow seasons/trends/magazine fancy clothings... just because its winter you need to wear something dark and dead or fancy ? please... primary colour up!! young and cute dont succumb to season changes! seasons will succumb to his colour instead.. lol...
you dont really have to buy branded tees or shirts.. any brand would do but the colour is important.. the above are just examples of colours, i would totally go for yellow and red.. purple is awesome too but i cant do GREEN! green totally doesnt suit my skin :)
2. Know your colour!!
some people dont really know what colour suits them best, the next time you wear something ask opinions! :) i know most of you have that attitude like: i wear what i like la, i know i look nice then can la...
but its not always the case, sometimes you think it suits you but it really doesnt..
the first pic is 10 times nicer than the second one...
beige is totally NOT NICE at all! AVOIDDDDDDDDDDDD BEIGE!!!!!!!!!!
3. French Blue
the first one on the left, thats the kinda colour that wouldnt go outdated and wouldnt go wrong even if its to work! :)
4. Small eyes go for solids not checkered..
look so kampung right? my seulong is such a darling but seriously small eyes should avoid checkered..
if your eyes a bit bigger like shi won then can la.. :) hehe... but dont worry la... if youre really small eyed then wear something solid! :)
small eyes will never go wrong with solid colours! :)
5. Matching
you dowana be colourful your whole body!!!
like the pic above, skip a body part! you can wear the top and your shoes with the same sorta shade of a colour and your pants any colour at all! jeans will never go wrong!! :) or you can wear a bracelet or watch that has a strap thats same as your pants? just skip a body part and make the other two similar can liao.. :)
6. Accessories to the minimum
a watch would be enough, bracelet if you dont have watch..
but i rather not wear anything.. haha.. plain and simply is the way to go!
7. Confidence
so what if youre 60? you can really still dress up young! you just need to pick out the right clothes!! as long as you fix your hair, clean shaved, pick out something simple, maybe a polo t, a grey trousers/pants(no skinny jeans haha..) and a pair of clean shoes, you wont be left behind! dont go watch all those tv series where the uncle in their oversize t unbuttoned loose pants and dirty shoes and think that that should be the way to dress.. lol... hahahaah...
you have to know what looks good on you and not what looks good in general! :)
forever young and cute,
Saturday, February 25, 2012
i realized ive became a monster..
like im toying around someone's feeling..
make that person fall for me but after that told that person we couldnt be together..
thats the worst fucking feeling ever..
i dint realize what i was doing..
rebound is a bitch..
im just so sorry..
well sorry couldnt really cure anything..
i learn a lot from this whole issue..
feeling fuck..
like im toying around someone's feeling..
make that person fall for me but after that told that person we couldnt be together..
thats the worst fucking feeling ever..
i dint realize what i was doing..
rebound is a bitch..
im just so sorry..
well sorry couldnt really cure anything..
i learn a lot from this whole issue..
feeling fuck..
Thursday, February 23, 2012
this is my 500th blog post!! yay!!!
i thought i knew the word...
ive been seeing it and talking to friends about it, sometimes even giving them pieces of advice and stuffs..
but i really didnt understand the meaning until recently..
when i fully experience the rebound thingy..
i still miss you bubu...
at least i learn something new...
all those saying what life is a learning process la this la that la we usually just ignore it but now to think of it its actually quite true..
sometimes saying it and totally experiencing it is totally different..
i really dowana be in that situation anymore...
and im really sorry to the guy..
but i cant lie to myself and lie to that guy anymore..
its just not fair..
i know life isnt fair... but if we could do some justice along the way.. why not...
im gonna go school now.. hm.. still lacking of sleep...
i thought i knew the word...
ive been seeing it and talking to friends about it, sometimes even giving them pieces of advice and stuffs..
but i really didnt understand the meaning until recently..
when i fully experience the rebound thingy..
i still miss you bubu...
at least i learn something new...
all those saying what life is a learning process la this la that la we usually just ignore it but now to think of it its actually quite true..
sometimes saying it and totally experiencing it is totally different..
i really dowana be in that situation anymore...
and im really sorry to the guy..
but i cant lie to myself and lie to that guy anymore..
its just not fair..
i know life isnt fair... but if we could do some justice along the way.. why not...
im gonna go school now.. hm.. still lacking of sleep...
Young and Cute : Food & Fitness
Foods to eat to retain youth and look younger? hehe...
you could probably google it and a whole list will come up so this here is a summary!
1. Olive oil - to cook with.. just ganti all your cooking oil to this dont care virgin or not... :) its much healthier! antioxidants and what not! :)
2. Potatoes - to substitute all your carbs - noodles, rice etc.. contains more nutrients than the rest! :)
3. Fish - to ganti all meats - the alaskans and the japanese have one of the longest life span shit thing on earth so there you go... omega 3 is the way to go!!
4. Nuts - to substitute all your snacks! hazelnuts, almonds.. peanut groundnut!! chew je la!!
5. Leafy green and fruits - everything you google also got its nutrients, say this fruit can make your eyes glow la, that fruit strengthens the hair la.. just eat a variety of fruits and vege daily la irregardless of the type.. all also got benefit de so no need to pick.. just eat whatever you like!
6. Water - this one the healthiest! if you dont drink enough of this you will feel dead like a wilting plant.. for those who work out you need more of than normal people cos your cells are working more and needing it more than the rest..
Fitness wise...
you might say: i dont need him to tell me what to do, i do what i like la...
thats what everyone will say...
all i can say is no one can force you to do something you dont want..
the easiest way to do this is actually go shopping! :) hehe... it can be grocery shopping, window shopping or splurging shopping... lol got such word arr? anyway... just go shop la.. cos when shopping you dont realize how much you jalan and all so its a good form of exercise.. that for the laziest person on earth la.. or you can also walk your dog everyday for as long as you can :)
for those who are more active you can just go on with your hobbies and play whatever sports you like even sex also can consider la..
well, its not really healthy to just sit in front of the com 24-7 play dota or sit at one corner read manga and stuffs..
if you no eat well and exercise, you no young and cute!
love ya!
forever young and cute,
you could probably google it and a whole list will come up so this here is a summary!
1. Olive oil - to cook with.. just ganti all your cooking oil to this dont care virgin or not... :) its much healthier! antioxidants and what not! :)
2. Potatoes - to substitute all your carbs - noodles, rice etc.. contains more nutrients than the rest! :)
3. Fish - to ganti all meats - the alaskans and the japanese have one of the longest life span shit thing on earth so there you go... omega 3 is the way to go!!
4. Nuts - to substitute all your snacks! hazelnuts, almonds.. peanut groundnut!! chew je la!!
5. Leafy green and fruits - everything you google also got its nutrients, say this fruit can make your eyes glow la, that fruit strengthens the hair la.. just eat a variety of fruits and vege daily la irregardless of the type.. all also got benefit de so no need to pick.. just eat whatever you like!
6. Water - this one the healthiest! if you dont drink enough of this you will feel dead like a wilting plant.. for those who work out you need more of than normal people cos your cells are working more and needing it more than the rest..

Fitness wise...
you might say: i dont need him to tell me what to do, i do what i like la...
thats what everyone will say...
all i can say is no one can force you to do something you dont want..
the easiest way to do this is actually go shopping! :) hehe... it can be grocery shopping, window shopping or splurging shopping... lol got such word arr? anyway... just go shop la.. cos when shopping you dont realize how much you jalan and all so its a good form of exercise.. that for the laziest person on earth la.. or you can also walk your dog everyday for as long as you can :)
for those who are more active you can just go on with your hobbies and play whatever sports you like even sex also can consider la..
well, its not really healthy to just sit in front of the com 24-7 play dota or sit at one corner read manga and stuffs..
if you no eat well and exercise, you no young and cute!
love ya!
forever young and cute,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
hm.. lots happened for the past 2 days..
been struggling to sleep last night..
actually been struggling to sleep for the past hour too...
my pillow is so warm..
warmer than usual...
i thought i was gonna go up with a fever..
but nah...
its changing from winter to spring i guess..
body usually warm up to exert heat to counteract 0 degrees..
now its freaking 10 degrees ...
so maybe a lil haywire...
oh well...
been struggling to sleep last night..
actually been struggling to sleep for the past hour too...
my pillow is so warm..
warmer than usual...
i thought i was gonna go up with a fever..
but nah...
its changing from winter to spring i guess..
body usually warm up to exert heat to counteract 0 degrees..
now its freaking 10 degrees ...
so maybe a lil haywire...
oh well...
Monday, February 20, 2012
dragons retreat...
so i was preparing to send my dragons down the whirlpool...
usually the whole process takes about 2 mins but today its a minute extra..
you know why?
cos they retreated back into the dungeon!!!!!!!
fuck man!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know why?!?!?!
because of winter!!!!
yup, cos during winter the park surrounding the whirlpool is icy cold and when i place my dungeon on it the dungeon shut tightly omgoshhhhhhh...
like some automatic door like that... cibai...
takes me another minute to open the dungeon and release the dragons out...
stressful tau.......
forever young and cute,
usually the whole process takes about 2 mins but today its a minute extra..
you know why?
cos they retreated back into the dungeon!!!!!!!
fuck man!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know why?!?!?!
because of winter!!!!
yup, cos during winter the park surrounding the whirlpool is icy cold and when i place my dungeon on it the dungeon shut tightly omgoshhhhhhh...
like some automatic door like that... cibai...
takes me another minute to open the dungeon and release the dragons out...
stressful tau.......
forever young and cute,
Sunday, February 19, 2012
iron tuls...
was watching iron lady last night while relaxing my mind off work for a moment..
it showed how a woman worked her way up all the way from a just a commoner to prime minister.. but the part i relate the most is the part where she had hallucinations of her husband after his death thinking that he is still around, she just dont seem to realize it at first... but in the end she finally did realize and let go...
im not hallucinating to make things clear, haha... its just that...
sometimes its just so hard to accept the fact im not together with bubu anymore..
well i do think of him..
the realization part im still in denial..
our relationship is barely 2 years and we had not even gone to the stage of being comfortable..
according to wong fu production, there are several stages in a normal relationship..
first meeting, then the chase, then honeymoon, then being comfortable, tolerance, downhill, and finally breakup...
if the couple could stay at the being comfortable stage forever then that should be the best..
when tolerance is too much to ask for then it will turn bad...
bubu and i are barely started being comfortable...
maybe thats the worst that could happen huh...
if its the first few stages it would still be easy...
being comfortable is getting used to each other's existence in our daily life making it harder and difficult for each other to live without another...
we havent reach the tolerance stage where we argue about the littlest thing in life maybe cos we havent stay together together yet...
did i go into all too serious about all these love thing with bubu??
im still a student after all...
i should have known that this would happen...?
our educational path are still unstable, career wise still unknown.. where each of us are settling down in the end is still a mystery...
i should have just stayed single and find someone only when i start working..?
i shouldnt have ask him the question then...?
all these i should i shouldnt.... no use...
the fact that we already went through all these...
and im here for almost 6 months now..
no more turning back... well i cant really do anything about it now.. just have to look forward and maybe hope that we do cross paths in the future..
at least there would be something to look upon huh...
positive thinking positive attitude and a positive mind...
forever young and cute,
it showed how a woman worked her way up all the way from a just a commoner to prime minister.. but the part i relate the most is the part where she had hallucinations of her husband after his death thinking that he is still around, she just dont seem to realize it at first... but in the end she finally did realize and let go...
im not hallucinating to make things clear, haha... its just that...
sometimes its just so hard to accept the fact im not together with bubu anymore..
well i do think of him..
the realization part im still in denial..
our relationship is barely 2 years and we had not even gone to the stage of being comfortable..
according to wong fu production, there are several stages in a normal relationship..
first meeting, then the chase, then honeymoon, then being comfortable, tolerance, downhill, and finally breakup...
if the couple could stay at the being comfortable stage forever then that should be the best..
when tolerance is too much to ask for then it will turn bad...
bubu and i are barely started being comfortable...
maybe thats the worst that could happen huh...
if its the first few stages it would still be easy...
being comfortable is getting used to each other's existence in our daily life making it harder and difficult for each other to live without another...
we havent reach the tolerance stage where we argue about the littlest thing in life maybe cos we havent stay together together yet...
did i go into all too serious about all these love thing with bubu??
im still a student after all...
i should have known that this would happen...?
our educational path are still unstable, career wise still unknown.. where each of us are settling down in the end is still a mystery...
i should have just stayed single and find someone only when i start working..?
i shouldnt have ask him the question then...?
all these i should i shouldnt.... no use...
the fact that we already went through all these...
and im here for almost 6 months now..
no more turning back... well i cant really do anything about it now.. just have to look forward and maybe hope that we do cross paths in the future..
at least there would be something to look upon huh...
positive thinking positive attitude and a positive mind...
forever young and cute,
Saturday, February 18, 2012
malay = muslim?
a lot of people have that misconception that if youre a muslim = youre a malay... no!!
you are wrong!!
we can fairly conclude that all malay = muslims but not all muslims = malay...
there are so many other muslim races out there..
basically any races pun there are muslims...
muslims are people that decides to practice and believe in Islam as their religion..
but its kinda in malaysia where the malays dont really have a say in this..
they are borned muslims...
isnt it a right for all humans to choose their own religion?
kebebasan beragama and everything?
why must all boys and girls in malaysia, just because their parents are muslims, they have to be muslim?
why cant they just choose for themselves?
when they grow up they ate pork or drink alcohol then you prosecute them...
is it fair????
its just so ridiculous!!
and i think only in Malaysia if youre a muslim you cant convert to other religion..
thats so wth...
where is the so call kebebasan beragama?
there are so many who fled the country just because of this..
its just like fighting for gay rights and gay marriage..
why cant they have a say in this?
lalalalala... still got 1000 words to go... assignments are never ending.. lalalalala...
this post is certainly not very young and cute...
but its still by the young and cute me..
forever young and cute,
love ya!!
you are wrong!!
we can fairly conclude that all malay = muslims but not all muslims = malay...
there are so many other muslim races out there..
basically any races pun there are muslims...
muslims are people that decides to practice and believe in Islam as their religion..
but its kinda in malaysia where the malays dont really have a say in this..
they are borned muslims...
isnt it a right for all humans to choose their own religion?
kebebasan beragama and everything?
why must all boys and girls in malaysia, just because their parents are muslims, they have to be muslim?
why cant they just choose for themselves?
when they grow up they ate pork or drink alcohol then you prosecute them...
is it fair????
its just so ridiculous!!
and i think only in Malaysia if youre a muslim you cant convert to other religion..
thats so wth...
where is the so call kebebasan beragama?
there are so many who fled the country just because of this..
its just like fighting for gay rights and gay marriage..
why cant they have a say in this?
lalalalala... still got 1000 words to go... assignments are never ending.. lalalalala...
this post is certainly not very young and cute...
but its still by the young and cute me..
forever young and cute,
love ya!!
Friday, February 17, 2012
sakit perut di saat genting!
i was like having this assignment shit in the hospital yesterday and the night before which was valentine's dinner i had like malaysian curry that i made myself like totally spicy and fragrant, nak jugak show off but i totally forgotten the side effects of eating curry and for me its like easy to poo poo...
this hospital briefing shit started around 9 am and i was like what the fcuk my tummy aching to the max!!!!!!
and i excuse myself during the freaking briefing and explode the dragon to the whirlpool and omg it felt so lega after that but fucking hungry and i dont get to eat till 1 so... tahan jer but that sohai explosion last for like 15 mins and everything was like ok in 30 mins but i missed the whole briefing and so i was so blur throughout the visit... the task if fail jor i will fail this whole year one... fuck.. but luckily everything went well la.. haha...
nevermind la... so... after that sohai thing we were supposed to be released at 1 but that sohai guy release us at 1.30 and i was fucking hungry jor.........
damn benci la...
had malaysian lunch though... bihun goreng ayam masak merah...
this cost 6 pounds 50 which is like RM32.50 :
sirap bandung RM5.... cut throat or not?
anyway... and so i went back after that and freaking BT(internet service provider thing here) shit have got no line that whole night hence no blogpost!! CIBAIIIIIIII!!
im rushing assignments leh...
how wo....??
i was like having this assignment shit in the hospital yesterday and the night before which was valentine's dinner i had like malaysian curry that i made myself like totally spicy and fragrant, nak jugak show off but i totally forgotten the side effects of eating curry and for me its like easy to poo poo...
this hospital briefing shit started around 9 am and i was like what the fcuk my tummy aching to the max!!!!!!
and i excuse myself during the freaking briefing and explode the dragon to the whirlpool and omg it felt so lega after that but fucking hungry and i dont get to eat till 1 so... tahan jer but that sohai explosion last for like 15 mins and everything was like ok in 30 mins but i missed the whole briefing and so i was so blur throughout the visit... the task if fail jor i will fail this whole year one... fuck.. but luckily everything went well la.. haha...
nevermind la... so... after that sohai thing we were supposed to be released at 1 but that sohai guy release us at 1.30 and i was fucking hungry jor.........
damn benci la...
had malaysian lunch though... bihun goreng ayam masak merah...
this cost 6 pounds 50 which is like RM32.50 :
sirap bandung RM5.... cut throat or not?
anyway... and so i went back after that and freaking BT(internet service provider thing here) shit have got no line that whole night hence no blogpost!! CIBAIIIIIIII!!
im rushing assignments leh...
how wo....??
forever young and cute,
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
boyfriend informations..
was having dinner with my housemate and she on-ed how i met your mother season five episode something i forgotten but that particular episode was quite significant and everyone could relate to it..
so to summarize this shit...
dating someone is like an education, you wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, pay fees, get result, get scholarship...
in terms of dating, you wake up first thing you will think of him, attend to him, sms his, go out with him, come home, you think about him, skype him, call him, then buy gifts for him, he love you so much he might get something for you and if youre lucky you get married to each other kinda thing...
but what if you breakup with him?
all the education go to waste?
to most people they do...
but actually to think of it, we basically know that someone so well we could write a book about them..
some relationship last years, and after all those things you guys went through together, all those classes and lessons in life, you dont need it anymore.. like taking a Medical Degree but in the end end up being a salesman kinda thing...
thats the worst thing that could happen to a doctor...
i dono what im trying to say...
i dono what im trying to prove or write anyway..
maybe i just miss bubu..
must be the valentines thing thats affecting my mind! lol...
how was your valentines.... ?
forever young and cute,
so to summarize this shit...
dating someone is like an education, you wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, pay fees, get result, get scholarship...
in terms of dating, you wake up first thing you will think of him, attend to him, sms his, go out with him, come home, you think about him, skype him, call him, then buy gifts for him, he love you so much he might get something for you and if youre lucky you get married to each other kinda thing...
but what if you breakup with him?
all the education go to waste?
to most people they do...
but actually to think of it, we basically know that someone so well we could write a book about them..
some relationship last years, and after all those things you guys went through together, all those classes and lessons in life, you dont need it anymore.. like taking a Medical Degree but in the end end up being a salesman kinda thing...
thats the worst thing that could happen to a doctor...
i dono what im trying to say...
i dono what im trying to prove or write anyway..
maybe i just miss bubu..
must be the valentines thing thats affecting my mind! lol...
how was your valentines.... ?
forever young and cute,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tell me whats in YOUR BIN?!!
this is my BIN!! :)
1. Cum filled tissues - 90%
2. Cookies wrapper
3. Cotton bud
OK, bloggers who saw this, its your turn to post whats in your bin! hahahahahaha... thought of just doing something out of the ordinary! lol
so, whats in your BIN?
forever young and cute,
1. Cum filled tissues - 90%
2. Cookies wrapper
3. Cotton bud
OK, bloggers who saw this, its your turn to post whats in your bin! hahahahahaha... thought of just doing something out of the ordinary! lol
so, whats in your BIN?
forever young and cute,
Monday, February 13, 2012
why porn stars always have flawless skin one?!
"so i was watching this korean erotic movie for a change , coz i dun like those perfectly snow flake actors lah ....then when the sex scene sedang berlangsung ...i saw that his back and ass/punggung/backside/bum so teruk , discoloured and scars ...i mean for once the actor was so realistic , i mean when watching other porn and sex shows , their WHOLE BODY will be flawless .....at least for once the sex scene is realistic , or at least potray realistic pple .....
this was what ooi2009 commented in one of ma post and so here is a piece of my mind.. haha..
why on eartttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhh do we wanna watch porn? for those who are attached or have got like a Godlike body MIGHT not need it but the rest of the singlets out there need some sort of virtual image in their head to be generated when they are carrying daily activites ie Masturbation..
realistically, everyone has flaws and scars on their body but why in porn, all of them look so flawless?!!?
its all because of us! :)
yup us...
we all wanna have that perfect scene in our imagination that we are doing it with the actors in the porn we are watching and who on earrthhhhhhhhhhhh wanna have a guy with a body full of scars to do with? its so ... yer.. you feel so yeeeeeeeerrrrrrr...
real scene : if you got a boyfriend and he so happens to have scars and everything that one nevermind la cos you need to do it with him irregardless of anything, takkan you wanna go and have sex with other guys meh? that one is call slut... you will love him too much for the scar to be significant anyway :)
secondly its all about advertisement and stuffs.. if all the porn websites uses real life actor scarry bruises here and there surely no one will watch the porn they produce and so started the flawless porno industry..
it all boils down to us the consumers on what our demands are...
like there are still porn with fat fat people it in and the views are so boomz, why? because they are demanded in that field... and thats why it is produced...
wah seh i like the best is the bel ami latinos la... damn big damn long damn smooth like fake like that but its not easy to find flawless porn actors and thats why sometimes we see here see there also the same few people only!! hahahahaha....
ok la..
im done thinking about porn!!
so lets do the real thing!!!
oo oo oo oooooooooo.... DIRTY DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHTTTTTTTT!! lalalalalala...
forever young and cute,
this was what ooi2009 commented in one of ma post and so here is a piece of my mind.. haha..
why on eartttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhh do we wanna watch porn? for those who are attached or have got like a Godlike body MIGHT not need it but the rest of the singlets out there need some sort of virtual image in their head to be generated when they are carrying daily activites ie Masturbation..
realistically, everyone has flaws and scars on their body but why in porn, all of them look so flawless?!!?
its all because of us! :)
yup us...
we all wanna have that perfect scene in our imagination that we are doing it with the actors in the porn we are watching and who on earrthhhhhhhhhhhh wanna have a guy with a body full of scars to do with? its so ... yer.. you feel so yeeeeeeeerrrrrrr...
real scene : if you got a boyfriend and he so happens to have scars and everything that one nevermind la cos you need to do it with him irregardless of anything, takkan you wanna go and have sex with other guys meh? that one is call slut... you will love him too much for the scar to be significant anyway :)
secondly its all about advertisement and stuffs.. if all the porn websites uses real life actor scarry bruises here and there surely no one will watch the porn they produce and so started the flawless porno industry..
it all boils down to us the consumers on what our demands are...
like there are still porn with fat fat people it in and the views are so boomz, why? because they are demanded in that field... and thats why it is produced...
wah seh i like the best is the bel ami latinos la... damn big damn long damn smooth like fake like that but its not easy to find flawless porn actors and thats why sometimes we see here see there also the same few people only!! hahahahaha....
ok la..
im done thinking about porn!!
so lets do the real thing!!!
oo oo oo oooooooooo.... DIRTY DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHTTTTTTTT!! lalalalalala...
forever young and cute,
Sunday, February 12, 2012
how to lose your voice..
warning: do this at your own risk.. :)
1. Sing karaoke for as long as you want without drinking water! :) i remember back in malaysia we always have like cheap rates for the rooms like RM5 for 3 hours kinda thing but no drinks included so i would bring my own 1.5L of water in my bata bag and drink as i like! lollllllllll... its a chinese thing.. water and chinese best friend! since young the chinese kids got at least one 1.5L water bottle at one of the bag's compartment.. damn sohai..
2. Go to a concert you love. Always go always come back with no voice one! :) I remember going to SUper Junior with bubu dulu! hahaha.. seriously damn lame!! Click 5 was another one.. haih... kids.... lollll..
3. Being a discipline teacher. It such a joke dulu to go and present her those Ubat Pei Pa Kou to her when we were younger for her throat! lolllllllllllll! hahahahaha...
4. Smoke crack!
5. Try to talk in the Club.
Ok this one i have to elaborate longer..
Like seriously i was laughing out loud when the legendary Qumar from Singapura said: how do you guys talk in a club when the music goes boom boom boom like that... how to get picked up all?!!!
she was totally right and you wont know until you really experience it yourself..
the music is so so so loud that you literally need to scream to talk and still the club will still be full!
last night i went for a farewell thing and hahahahahaha.. i almost lost my voice... like damn lame la.. your friend will be like 10 cm away from you and tries to scream at you and you go... HAR?? HARRRRRR? HARRRRRRRRRR?
so auntie i tell you...
So, have you lose your voice any other way else? :)
forever young and cute,
forever young and cute,
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Young and Cute : Face
after setting up a good positivity in ourselves, we will then have to project it out and the first thing when we look at someone is their face and so thats we are gonna target next!!
how to have a young and cute face!??
Keep it short ok, as in your hair! i always go against bubu's idea of cutting my hair because short hair is quite hard to maintain, you need lots of products and it grows fast and you need trimmings and stuffs but you cant deny that short hair makes you look 10 years younger!! so recently i chopped off all my hair as well! hahahaha.. and yup! i feel younger already!! :) by the way short hair could really bring out your face features, make you look less sleepy and messy! boomz! my young and cute candidates at the sides mostly have all got short hair! :)
Moisturize you can look young and cute with a dead face. So what if youre a guy? guy doesnt need to moisturize meh? CHOY!!! moisturizers are not only for chicks ok, there are so many many moisturizers out there for men so apply it thinly across the face everyday after showering in the morning and before you go to sleep! it makes a lot of difference trust me!! :) its like spraying water to a wilting plant! it will automatic orlando BLOOM back to life!!
Use protection!! Sunscreen protect your face if youre in some equator zone countries that have constant exposure to sunlight! get something SPF 15 and above :) i dont use it thats why i got a slight tan that is hot and sexy like louise koo! lollllll.. hahahahaha.. no la that one too charcoal sudahs! hahahahahaha... especially if youre in australia, highest rate of skin cancer in the worllllllllllllllld! :)
(Loreal, Nivea, Lab Series, Neutrogena, Kiehls, Clarins all have got moisturizers with SPF 15 and above in them)
bangun pagi Gosok Gigi keep your teeth as white as possible!! well some people have that permanent pale yellow colour but as long as its not dark it should be alright, just make sure you dont smoke la cos smoking is so not boomz for young and cute! go for dental checks every 6 months and just make sure its clean, no one want to kiss a young and cute guy with bad oral hygiene! thats just so turn oFF!!
Clean shave! some people need some hair on their face to sharpen their face features, thats OK but clean shave is totally the way to go if you wanna be young and cute!! Trim all hair that is too long, whether from your nose, your ears, your uni-brow(ewwwwww, so dahsyat), goatee, beard etc... do it everyday if its grow fast!! you will trim off the old age and look fresh instantly! :)
say no to Grey! dye it dark if its growing grey and make sure you do touch up and also dont forget your brows.. you dowana look like some alien with dark hair but grey eyebrows kan! lollllll...
Eyebags gone! its the worst thing to ever happen if you have an important date! lol.. yes there are alot of those sticks that you can use to apply to instantly remove eyebags and stuffs but the best thing is to have enough sleep! it overall keep you fresh and young! hihi...
THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF ALL! SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the best thing to do!! people smile at you, you smile back.. people walk pass you, smile at them... people kutuk you, just smile back... someone's day might be better just because they see you smile! so SMILE! :)
this is a 50 year old George Clooney in year 2010!!
this is George in the same year but with a cleaner shaved face and 20 year old smile!! see the difference!! muacks you guys!!
forever young and cute,
Friday, February 10, 2012
lick or bite?
its not what youre thinking..
im talking about ice cream!! :)
are you the lick ice cream till the end kinda person or the bite kinda person?!
well im definitely the lick kinda person!! :)
not because it suits the TULS name right or because i always do that to hint people that i wanna lick their whatever! hahaha...
its cos i got sensitive gigi! :)
so whenever i bite stuffs that are too cold or even drink air yang teramat sejuks my gigi will sakits one..
so i never got the privilege in my life to gigit / makan the ice cream dengan gigi...
its not sad cos ive no idea which one taste better but its certainly tempting when seeing people biting off their ice cream while i can only lick it slowly...
so.. which one are you?!?! by the way licking is so totally young and cute action! :)
forever young and cute,
50% off! me love you long timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! its only RM11. :)
its not what youre thinking..
im talking about ice cream!! :)
are you the lick ice cream till the end kinda person or the bite kinda person?!
well im definitely the lick kinda person!! :)
not because it suits the TULS name right or because i always do that to hint people that i wanna lick their whatever! hahaha...
its cos i got sensitive gigi! :)
so whenever i bite stuffs that are too cold or even drink air yang teramat sejuks my gigi will sakits one..
so i never got the privilege in my life to gigit / makan the ice cream dengan gigi...
its not sad cos ive no idea which one taste better but its certainly tempting when seeing people biting off their ice cream while i can only lick it slowly...
so.. which one are you?!?! by the way licking is so totally young and cute action! :)
forever young and cute,
50% off! me love you long timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! its only RM11. :)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
super rolleyes moment in lab...
like seriously...
i was lining up to use the melting point detector machine to check my compound's melting range behind this *insert race*..
so i waited while looking at what he was doing then...
background info: the melting point detector machine thing is where you take a round ended glass capillary, put some of your powder/solids into the closed round ended part and slot it into the machine and observe when it starts melting when the temperature starts to raise...
so he was putting the capillary in and he asks me how to operate it and so i showed him..
after setting up everything, i noticed something was amiss with the capillary..
and yes I AM RIGHT!! he used an open ended capillary which is actually for another analysis procedure and i was like: hey, youre using the wrong capillary.. take these... *opened the cover beside the machine and handing him new round ended capillaries*
and he was like: oh thanks...
he smiled at me so i smiled back but i was rolling eyes in my brain...
anyway he let me use first while he loads his powder into the capillary and so i start using the machine la..
anyway the second machine was vacant right after i started doing mine and so he went to the next machine...
i gave it another glance...
this time i feel like killing myself...
but after saying that, he took the capillary out from the machine, some powder fell into the slot of the machine liao...
its now ruined..
the hole is so small and definitely cannot take it out liao...
its dirty and just contaminated!!!
he act like: oh, ya....
and in my brain i was like oh ya my ASS!! OMG, you are a third year student using this freaking lab for three years doing melting points and shits for freaking three years leh.. what have you been doing all these time...
like seriously he was so so getting on my last nerve for no particular reason.. i feel so dumb standing there.. so i quickly did my thing and walk away...
like how dumb could someone be!! GOSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
i dont mean to kutuk any race in particular and i did not state the race to avoid racial issues but you guys should know which race im referring la...
its ok to be angry and stuffs, young and cute people are human too so we are allowed to express different emotions! :) but not too long cos it is not very boomz.. :)
forever young and cute,
how i wish it was that easy... urg....
i was lining up to use the melting point detector machine to check my compound's melting range behind this *insert race*..
so i waited while looking at what he was doing then...
background info: the melting point detector machine thing is where you take a round ended glass capillary, put some of your powder/solids into the closed round ended part and slot it into the machine and observe when it starts melting when the temperature starts to raise...
so he was putting the capillary in and he asks me how to operate it and so i showed him..
after setting up everything, i noticed something was amiss with the capillary..
and yes I AM RIGHT!! he used an open ended capillary which is actually for another analysis procedure and i was like: hey, youre using the wrong capillary.. take these... *opened the cover beside the machine and handing him new round ended capillaries*
and he was like: oh thanks...
he smiled at me so i smiled back but i was rolling eyes in my brain...
anyway he let me use first while he loads his powder into the capillary and so i start using the machine la..
anyway the second machine was vacant right after i started doing mine and so he went to the next machine...
i gave it another glance...
this time i feel like killing myself...
hey, you should make sure your powder is at the closed end...
but after saying that, he took the capillary out from the machine, some powder fell into the slot of the machine liao...
its now ruined..
the hole is so small and definitely cannot take it out liao...
its dirty and just contaminated!!!
he act like: oh, ya....
and in my brain i was like oh ya my ASS!! OMG, you are a third year student using this freaking lab for three years doing melting points and shits for freaking three years leh.. what have you been doing all these time...
like seriously he was so so getting on my last nerve for no particular reason.. i feel so dumb standing there.. so i quickly did my thing and walk away...
like how dumb could someone be!! GOSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
i dont mean to kutuk any race in particular and i did not state the race to avoid racial issues but you guys should know which race im referring la...
its ok to be angry and stuffs, young and cute people are human too so we are allowed to express different emotions! :) but not too long cos it is not very boomz.. :)
forever young and cute,
how i wish it was that easy... urg....
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Young and Cute : Feel
a quote to start off the post...
"You are as old as you think you are"
to me age is just a number and being young is subjective, so, you can still be young if youre 61 and some people might look old even if they are only 16...
first of all, in order to be young, you have to feel young, think young and just young young young in your head!!
once its replaying in your head, the affirmations will then affect your subconscious mind by the determinations of your conscious mind to be young and cute whenever you desire!
Set a goal!!
the goal now is to feel young and cute the moment you wake up! so take a big paper, write I AM YOUNG AND CUTE and paste it on the first place you will wake up to see it, be it the toilet door, above your laptop, your house slippers or just on the wall / ceiling!! :)
in life, after reaching a goal, people will tend to set another goal and go after it... so if youre really aimless and sometimes have no goal at all in life, why not take a shot at being Young and Cute?!!
its not lame.. its different! :)
go look into the mirror with confidence and say Im Cute even though maybe you think youre not but it has to start some place somewhere some time!!
why not do it now!
omgosh i sound like some promoter! lolllllllllll
dont frown! more tips on staying young an cute after this! as long as your mindset is focused!! everything else will sail smoothly!
some guys chose another path to feel young, ok for example you go to a club or anywhere at all, sometimes you will tend to find older guys hanging with a bunch of younger guys be it one on one or one on a few... its definitely true by mixing with younger people you will tend to have positive young feel in yourself! :) do it on your own risk :) hahahahaha... you can selective make friends with younger dudes.. like me i have alot of friends in the range of 15 - 19.. hahaha... so usually topics with them are quite cute and kinda make me think back of my younger days and lalalalala... butterfly.......
even dumbledore does it!! :)
alright! love you guys
forever young and cute,
ps "you cannot have a young body with an old mind"
"You are as old as you think you are"
to me age is just a number and being young is subjective, so, you can still be young if youre 61 and some people might look old even if they are only 16...
first of all, in order to be young, you have to feel young, think young and just young young young in your head!!
once its replaying in your head, the affirmations will then affect your subconscious mind by the determinations of your conscious mind to be young and cute whenever you desire!
Set a goal!!
the goal now is to feel young and cute the moment you wake up! so take a big paper, write I AM YOUNG AND CUTE and paste it on the first place you will wake up to see it, be it the toilet door, above your laptop, your house slippers or just on the wall / ceiling!! :)
in life, after reaching a goal, people will tend to set another goal and go after it... so if youre really aimless and sometimes have no goal at all in life, why not take a shot at being Young and Cute?!!
its not lame.. its different! :)
go look into the mirror with confidence and say Im Cute even though maybe you think youre not but it has to start some place somewhere some time!!
why not do it now!
omgosh i sound like some promoter! lolllllllllll
dont frown! more tips on staying young an cute after this! as long as your mindset is focused!! everything else will sail smoothly!
some guys chose another path to feel young, ok for example you go to a club or anywhere at all, sometimes you will tend to find older guys hanging with a bunch of younger guys be it one on one or one on a few... its definitely true by mixing with younger people you will tend to have positive young feel in yourself! :) do it on your own risk :) hahahahaha... you can selective make friends with younger dudes.. like me i have alot of friends in the range of 15 - 19.. hahaha... so usually topics with them are quite cute and kinda make me think back of my younger days and lalalalala... butterfly.......
even dumbledore does it!! :)
alright! love you guys
ps "you cannot have a young body with an old mind"
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Chinese Valentines Day...
this was what i heard from the good old days that on the 15th day of the new chinese lunar calendar, virgin girls(then) will go up the hill/mountain and throw oranges with their details written on the outside into the river and men will then be picking and choosing it downstream, to court or not to court after that is unknown...
thats the whole orange shit thing i heard la..
so i was talking to my young and cute friend in malaysia and...
aiyor, last day of chinese new year liao... faster go throw orange!!
lol throw durian...
durian sakit o....
tahan lasak ma... see who's gonna get durian... sure ong for one day...
it cracked me up for a good 5 minutes omgosh... but seriously lor if throw orange will easily get eaten by bats along the way and shit, throw durian got defence mechanism all! lolll.... so i was trying to convey the message after that to my mum during skype..
mum, happy chap goh meh.... got go dating or not!!
date your head...
go la throw durian, more lasak...
throw rubbish got la...
OMGOSHHH!!! crack me up another 5 minutes i laugh non stop! funny funny things happen la... might not be funny here but when i was typing that instant it was kegelakan tergila!! hahahahaha...
happy valentines day to the ones who did celebrate..
for those who are waiting for the ang mo version... soon la.. another monthweek(oops, sorry! thankss Jason!! i thought today is the first day of cny... haih... my brain abit shingz edi) to go...
so, did anyone threw anything into the klang river to make it more polluted? :)
forever young and cute,
Monday, February 6, 2012
i made my egg stand..
so there is this whole phenomenone on facebook yesterday about eggs and snow...
seriously people that i know from Malaysia are all about eggs while in the UK its all about snow...
so the whole day i see pics of eggs and snow on fb..
cos of that i made a lil research and also try standing an egg on the base...
it seems that you can make your egg stand any time of the year but it will easier during the spring equinox or the first day of spring...
but in the UK its fucking winter and in malaysia, what the fuck is spring? its freaking summer all year round..
some gravitational pull kinda thing...
but i manage to make my egg stand lor! :)
and for the snow :) its not that lebat here kat tempat saya as compared to ninjas but here 7 secs of it :)
because my egg is able to stand, im having a good feeling of this coming whole year of 2012 be it still bertahan-ing or end of the world or shit...
if we die also we will die young, young at heart at least! :)
so did you try to stand your egg?!
forever young and cute,
seriously people that i know from Malaysia are all about eggs while in the UK its all about snow...
so the whole day i see pics of eggs and snow on fb..
cos of that i made a lil research and also try standing an egg on the base...
it seems that you can make your egg stand any time of the year but it will easier during the spring equinox or the first day of spring...
but in the UK its fucking winter and in malaysia, what the fuck is spring? its freaking summer all year round..
some gravitational pull kinda thing...
but i manage to make my egg stand lor! :)
and for the snow :) its not that lebat here kat tempat saya as compared to ninjas but here 7 secs of it :)
because my egg is able to stand, im having a good feeling of this coming whole year of 2012 be it still bertahan-ing or end of the world or shit...
if we die also we will die young, young at heart at least! :)
so did you try to stand your egg?!
forever young and cute,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
February : Young and Cute month...
so im really hyped up over the whole Young and Cute feel for the past few weeks so i thought why not i do something abourit!
and soo........................
i officially make February in my blog as Young and Cute month to support this "movement" of mine!!
so in this whole month im gonna like create "awareness" on Young and Cute and there will be like one Young and Cute guy picked out and posted as Young and Cute of the day everyday for the entire month!!
and im gonna talk on how to stay Young and Cute as well throughout with the 5 F's Formula!!
dont know whether is it relevant or not but its actually something cool, i hope la...
I believe that in every one of us, there is a part of us that is Young and Cute but sometimes its just hidden and it needs to be amplified and shown to the world... sometimes it takes a lil change to make a whole lot difference!!
so, dont worry if youre 16, 45 or 69, as long as your mindset is young, you think young then naturally you will be young!!!
just by reading this makes you younger by 10 years!! :) *big smile*
and i will try to use the word Young and Cute whenever possible for this whole month in conjunction with the Young and Cute Theme! :)
so, if you guys were to support this Young and Cute month, try to portray yourself in a young and cute manner or just be young and cute for one post or anythinG! you could write stuffs like : what will i do if im young and cute... etc... it could be something you did before or something you wish to do etc... haha..
it doesnt mean you dont support it if you dont do it.. hahah.. im just saying!! :)
if you really do feel young and cute this month and support this movement then please vote on the poll to the top right corner!! :)
forever young and cute,
and soo........................
i officially make February in my blog as Young and Cute month to support this "movement" of mine!!
so in this whole month im gonna like create "awareness" on Young and Cute and there will be like one Young and Cute guy picked out and posted as Young and Cute of the day everyday for the entire month!!
and im gonna talk on how to stay Young and Cute as well throughout with the 5 F's Formula!!
dont know whether is it relevant or not but its actually something cool, i hope la...
I believe that in every one of us, there is a part of us that is Young and Cute but sometimes its just hidden and it needs to be amplified and shown to the world... sometimes it takes a lil change to make a whole lot difference!!
so, dont worry if youre 16, 45 or 69, as long as your mindset is young, you think young then naturally you will be young!!!
just by reading this makes you younger by 10 years!! :) *big smile*
and i will try to use the word Young and Cute whenever possible for this whole month in conjunction with the Young and Cute Theme! :)
so, if you guys were to support this Young and Cute month, try to portray yourself in a young and cute manner or just be young and cute for one post or anythinG! you could write stuffs like : what will i do if im young and cute... etc... it could be something you did before or something you wish to do etc... haha..
it doesnt mean you dont support it if you dont do it.. hahah.. im just saying!! :)
if you really do feel young and cute this month and support this movement then please vote on the poll to the top right corner!! :)
forever young and cute,
Saturday, February 4, 2012
relationship question..
so youre a very low profile person, you dont have much of gay friends and youre kinda closeted and not out..
will you date
1. someone that is as the same status as you, low profile, closeted, doesnt have much gay friends..
2. someone that is popular, has lots of gay friends, quite out in the scene, experienced...
and why?!?!
will you date
1. someone that is as the same status as you, low profile, closeted, doesnt have much gay friends..
2. someone that is popular, has lots of gay friends, quite out in the scene, experienced...
and why?!?!
Friday, February 3, 2012
skype sex...
dont go HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! i did not skype sex no one dont worry!!
if you havent done it before then.. erm.. dont do it la...
i learn from my experience...
so once i did it over the net before i met bubu...
and it was with a singapore dude, should be malay la by his hot tan and unique skin/face thingy.. he is super hot with those abs thingy to die for and i only had my super YOUNG AND CUTE face to mengorat him kinda thing..
and so we tease each other and got horny..
and then jeng jeng... the rest is history la..
jerk la, finger la, change position la, open ass hole la, adjust position la, adjust lighting la... damn mafan..
several months later, i think he told me that he has it recorded or something and i was like FUCK!!
wth right...
i know...
but it was so far......
whatever la........
cant really do anything about it..
and now that the porn sites are all like videos over webcam and its so scary to even imagine yours being posted up!!!
ahahahahaha, if you really saw me up there please tell me k i will go and claim royalty!! :) lollllll...
so, anyone else did it and really enjoyed it???!!!!!?
ps. after yesterday's blog post, 5 unique bloggers constantly poke me from malaysian time 9pm till 4am in the morning!! nothing else to do is it?!?! hhahahahahahahahahahahaha... i reply jugak! lollllllllllll... you know who you are la... oh forgotten, my mother also.. haih... lollllllll hahahahahahaha.. i here damn gao dry already, you poke me sumore later i high then how.. i suffer la no one to do with.. cb!!
Durham riverside
dont go HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! i did not skype sex no one dont worry!!
if you havent done it before then.. erm.. dont do it la...
i learn from my experience...
so once i did it over the net before i met bubu...
and it was with a singapore dude, should be malay la by his hot tan and unique skin/face thingy.. he is super hot with those abs thingy to die for and i only had my super YOUNG AND CUTE face to mengorat him kinda thing..
and so we tease each other and got horny..
and then jeng jeng... the rest is history la..
jerk la, finger la, change position la, open ass hole la, adjust position la, adjust lighting la... damn mafan..
several months later, i think he told me that he has it recorded or something and i was like FUCK!!
wth right...
i know...
but it was so far......
whatever la........
cant really do anything about it..
and now that the porn sites are all like videos over webcam and its so scary to even imagine yours being posted up!!!
ahahahahaha, if you really saw me up there please tell me k i will go and claim royalty!! :) lollllll...
so, anyone else did it and really enjoyed it???!!!!!?
ps. after yesterday's blog post, 5 unique bloggers constantly poke me from malaysian time 9pm till 4am in the morning!! nothing else to do is it?!?! hhahahahahahahahahahahaha... i reply jugak! lollllllllllll... you know who you are la... oh forgotten, my mother also.. haih... lollllllll hahahahahahaha.. i here damn gao dry already, you poke me sumore later i high then how.. i suffer la no one to do with.. cb!!
Durham riverside
Thursday, February 2, 2012
mum more online savvy than me!!
like serious shit..
cos im coming over to the UK and she needed to know how to use skype to see my YOUNG AND CUTE face so i taught her how to skype..
and then opened her a facebook profile..
and then she started venturing into the cyber world donating *rolleyes* chips to me, inviting me to her table to play some ZUMA or something entah..
my bejewelled kalah teruk to her lor she damn cb powerful can get like 6-700k one.. i was like wtf?!?! *stare*...
everyday i got stupid this game request la.. that game request and its all from her! hahahaha.. damn lame!!
and now whats more powerful is that she pokes me on facebook! lollllllll
who even does that now?!?!? that was like the in-thing when fb just started but this is too powerful cos she poke me excessively!!
everytime i reply her poke immediately i will get a re-poke! like in 10 seconds time and i was like bitch, thats fast!!
and so yea..
so now mother and son poking each other everyday online.. at least >10 times a day
thats very obscene but yea...
so... hahaha.. anyone of you still playing the poking game? or any parents or yours so kepowerfulan online?
cos im coming over to the UK and she needed to know how to use skype to see my YOUNG AND CUTE face so i taught her how to skype..
and then opened her a facebook profile..
and then she started venturing into the cyber world donating *rolleyes* chips to me, inviting me to her table to play some ZUMA or something entah..
my bejewelled kalah teruk to her lor she damn cb powerful can get like 6-700k one.. i was like wtf?!?! *stare*...
everyday i got stupid this game request la.. that game request and its all from her! hahahaha.. damn lame!!
and now whats more powerful is that she pokes me on facebook! lollllllll
who even does that now?!?!? that was like the in-thing when fb just started but this is too powerful cos she poke me excessively!!
everytime i reply her poke immediately i will get a re-poke! like in 10 seconds time and i was like bitch, thats fast!!
and so yea..
so now mother and son poking each other everyday online.. at least >10 times a day
thats very obscene but yea...
so... hahaha.. anyone of you still playing the poking game? or any parents or yours so kepowerfulan online?
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
perks of being gay: ang paos forever..
like seriously...
i was talking to a friend and he was like a few years my senior but still totally YOUNG AND CUTE.. and i was like...
and i totally forgotten about it..
like just as long as you tak kahwin you will still get ang pau!! hahahaha...
but i heard from another sohai tradition that once you start working then you wont get anymore or some shit..
well i hope that tradition doesnt apply to me..
but even though im 40 i will still look like 22...
you know why!!!???!?
thanks everybody thanks...
like seriously...
i was talking to a friend and he was like a few years my senior but still totally YOUNG AND CUTE.. and i was like...
hey, hows cny?
ok la... nothing much also.. dint go anywhere...
oh.. same like me la.. also at home... ....so, got ang pao arr?
oh, got.. but havent count how much yet...
fucker!! so "young" still get!! such a bitch!!!!!!!!!
i mean... tak kahwin lagi... still will get la...
and i totally forgotten about it..
like just as long as you tak kahwin you will still get ang pau!! hahahaha...
but i heard from another sohai tradition that once you start working then you wont get anymore or some shit..
well i hope that tradition doesnt apply to me..
but even though im 40 i will still look like 22...
you know why!!!???!?
thanks everybody thanks...
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