t u l s

t u l s

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day?...

I would like to wish all mothers out there a very 

Happy Mothers' Day! thanks for raising me till now making me who i am today. i know you will be disappointed to find out that i'm gay one day. i'm really sorry. i cant do anything. its just who i am. you cant give me a pair of boobs and a vagina and expect me to drool all over it. i just don't have feelings over those, i'm not aroused by those. i like man's chest and ding dongs. i know it is hard for you to accept but hopefully, if you are ever to find out one day, you will try to accept me lil by lil as time pass. i really do love you and i'm really sorry if i were not what you had expected me to be.

to Bubu's mum,
Happy Mothers' Day auntie. i know you are pissed at us doing things in your house, i'm so so sorry that we did that and made you disgusted by our actions. it is understandable that you don't like me coming up to your place anymore because for the fact that we have done things in your place multiple times, but bubu and i just cant control our feelings. actually it is mainly me, i will ask bubu for things because i'm constantly horny around him. if you ever ask bubu to choose between me and his family of course he will choose his family. i really hope that day will never come. you have been a great mum to bubu and me for the past few months and i appreciate it a lot. may you be healthy always.
by the way i've sent you an sms auntie, hope to get your reply soon :)

i love you bubu!


  1. omg did u guys get caught while having sexytime?

  2. no we did not.. its not like that.. hahaha..we dint get caught yet we get caught at the same time.. erm..
    get it? hahahahaha

  3. Wah! Your words to bubu's Mum sounds so serious like that. Hehehe...
